OC Parks Is Offering Holiday Drive-Ins and At-Home Fun

See "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" or "Elf" from your car and enjoy a host of ho, ho, home-based happenings.

OC Parks

What to Know

  • Select December dates
  • The drive-in movie nights are Dec. 10 and 11 ("National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" and Dec. 12 and 13 ("Elf) at Mile Square Regional Park; advance tickets required
  • Free virtual events, like holiday crafts and carols, are popping up throughout the month

If it is nearly time to replace the calendar on your kitchen wall, and you're stepping outside at night while rocking a cozy sweater, and you find yourself eating more peppermint-type foodstuffs, then you can count on a very true thing: OC Parks will be delivering big-time delights to the people of Southern California.

For while the nature-loving organization, which oversees almost 60,000 acres of parks and other important sites around Orange County, puts on a great show throughout the year, it is in December when its events truly begin to sparkle.

So where does that put us in this not-so-traditional December, the final month of 2020? Here's something that's as tasty as a peppermint stick: The OC Parks team has put together a free schedule of at-home happenings.

First festive things first: These to-dos aren't popping up on a night or two, but throughout the month.

That means if you keep an eye on the OC Parks social feeds for event updates, you can enjoy Storytime with Santa, snowy songs from the Holiday Harmony Carolers, a performance by Kalina & Kiana, and cute updates from the OC Zoo.

Past years at the Orange-based animal park have seen animals opening gifts and sporting the occasional costume, too, so check it out to see what cheerful and furry fun the OC Parks people have planned for the critters.

Trivia Tuesdays, Wildlife Wednesdays, Throwback Thursdays, and other themed goings-on will also add a glow to the ongoing, multi-week merriment.

So much free goodness, but here's a special ticketed event if you're looking for a yuletide drive-in experience: "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" will play for two nights at Miles Square Regional Park, and "Elf" will follow.

Get the dates and prices and safety guidelines now, and keep tabs on the OC Parks social pages to find out the whens/wheres for all of the online holiday events.

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