
Pasadena Humane's adorable Kitten Shower will help prepare us for Kitten Season

Hannah Shaw, a leading cat advocate known as The Kitten Lady, will helm two workshops at the animal center.

SolodkayaMari/Pasadena Humane

What to Know

  • A Kitten Shower at Pasadena Humane; the fundraiser will help the center prepare for the influx of new animals during 'Kitten Season'
  • $35 general admission; Sunday, March 24 from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
  • The Kitten Lady — best-selling author Hannah Shaw — will lead an Intro to Fostering workshop and a Kitten Care workshop; attendees are also invited to donate items from a wish list to help the shelter's many incoming kittens

Spring is just a couple of weeks out and with it? Sunshine, flowers, and a sense of afternoons that go on, if not forever, then forever-ish.

But the warmer weather is also synonymous with a few challenges, including the distressing fact that animal shelters often become overwhelmed as they care for many brand-new critters. So common is this turn of events that it even has a name: Kitten Season.

It's a season that's all too quickly approaching, but rescue groups and animal centers are hoping to be ready; that means educating the public, holding fostering classes, and prepping their own facilities for the influx of newly born cats.

Pasadena Humane is always at the feline forefront of Kitten Season, something that fans of the venerable bastion o' beasties know well. And we do mean forefront: On March 24, the center is throwing a Kitten Shower, to prepare potential fosters and adopters through a pair of helpful workshops.

Those workshops will be led by Hannah Shaw, The Kitten Lady, and they'll cover the basics of fostering as well as caring for kittens.

A raffle, a station for naming kittens, and a collection drive — visitors are invited to donate items from a kitten wish list — are also part of the day.

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"Throughout the spring and summer, we will go through hundreds of pounds of food," says Nadia Cubias, Foster Manager at Pasadena Humane.

"These donations immensely help to save as many lives as possible."

General admission is $35; there's a VIP option, too, for those who'd like to enjoy a meet-and-greet with The Kitten Lady.

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