This CicLAvia's Made for Walking (and Riding, Too)

The mega shut-down-the-streets and pedal event incorporates more walkability.

One of the beautiful things about CicLAvia, that every-so-often street party that is all about letting bikes, boards, and any other non-motorized transport rule the asphalt for an afternoon, is it is entirely easy-breezy.

What do we mean by "easy-breezy"? If you want to come on your unicycle, that's cool. If your kid wants to ride her tricycle, that's cool. If you want to do the blade thing for several miles, go for it.

But while walkers have been in the mix since CicLAvia first rolled into LA in the fall of 2010, the emphasis has always been on bicycles. 

Good news, though, for people looking to go the true pedestrian route: The Sunday, June 23 event is being called "the most walkable CicLAvia ever!"

Why is this? Well, Wilshire Boulevard is this outing's star street, and Wilshire was developed with pedestrians in mind back in the day (think Miracle Mile with its museums and shops).

But the organizers are going one better: They've instituted two pedestrian zones at CicLAvia's anchor hubs at One Wilshire and Miracle Mile.

Cyclists will be asked to dismount in the hubs and walk their bikes. Walk them or park them; free bike parking will be provided in this pair of special pedestrian zones.

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Pedestrian crossings will also crisscross the 6.3-mile route between downtown and Miracle Mile.

Food stops and community info stops and all sorts of stops will dot the route, too, meaning you shouldn't plan to be in the saddle the whole time, even if you are showing up with your wheels.

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