Lobsterfest: Newport Beach Party

Spend part of the first Sunday in August dining near the water (for a great cause).

THE FIRST WEEKEND IN AUGUST? That's when things start to get mighty serious about the mighty serious topic of making some summer-style fun. Back-to-school ads are popping up on the air and in the paper, pencil cases are lining the store shelves, and you realize that the double-dose of joyful "J" months — June and July, both — have flown on by with the speed of a dancing kite. If you're going to sit by some shimmery blue water, and dine upon seafood, and do that whole basking-in-the-rays thing, it has to step up when August arrives on the doorstep. And water, dining, and rays come into focus each year at the beginning of the eighth month when...

LOBSTERFEST AT NEWPORT BEACH... returns. Note, first off, that this is a one-day affair, an afternoon-into-evening soiree, which is a good thing to keep in mind, as some of the other Southern California lobster parties, both in July and September, run into full weekend territory. Two? The Sunday, Aug. 6 to-do a fundraiser hosted by Leadership Tomorrow for Make-A-Wish Orange County and Inland Empire, so your ticket will help a wonderful organization. And three? The address, 101 N. Bayside Drive, says it all: You'll be doing the whole bibs 'n butter thing in the presence of water, which always ups the general seafood-focused atmosphere. If you dig red potatoes, corn on the cob, and other complementary sides, those'll be part of the feasting, along with the whole Maine lobster.

YOUR TICKET? It's sixty bucks to attend Lobsterfest at Newport Beach, with kid tickets coming in at $20 and VIP admission at $150. To see what entry works for you, eye all, but don't wait too long. August is on the horizon, and one of Orange County's lobster-iest larks is ready to butter people on the search for summer fun up.

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