NEVADA CITY... in the later part of the summer? The light is golden, the strolling is sweet, evenings are soft, and there's a touch of autumn's distinctive briskness on the breeze. And, if you've timed it just right, there'll be a great film festival to attend, and movies to watch, lots and lots of movies, from some of the brightest and most intriguing filmmakers calling "action!" today. But like so many events in 2020, the flavorful flick-fun meet-up has had to go through some changes, a lot of changes, to be ready for the public in a safe way in the time of the pandemic. So the cineaste spectacular is doing something interesting: When faced with a fork in the road, it is boldly taking two separate directions simultaneously. Which means that anyone anywhere in the world can watch the 2020 festival's films...
ONLINE, while people in the Nevada City neck of the woods can enjoy flicks in a drive-in setting (where, yes, people will stay inside their cars and socially distanced). It's innovative thinking for a beloved happening, and one that can still embrace the majesty of the medium. "Since its meager and storied beginnings, the Nevada City Film Festival has championed for the odd, the unheard, and the brave. It was dubbed 'The Sundance of the Sierra' by Sacramento News & Review and has been a leader in offering support to independent filmmakers and artists, and was recently voted the third best film festival in North America in USA Today’s Readers’ Choice poll," shared the organizers.
READY TO SIGN UP, CINEPHILES? An online pass is $35, and there will be almost 100 films, shorts and features, to choose from. You can also purchase your online viewing a la carte, if there are a couple of films you're especially sweet on. The 20th Annual Nevada City Film Festival goes virtual, and to the drive-in, from Aug. 28 through Sept. 4, 2020.