WHICH IS THE GREATER NUMBER? The number of grains of sand on the beaches of California or the number of times you think to yourself, on an especially thermal-tastic, can't-get-cool July day, "well, can it get any hotter?" This isn't a trick question: It's the sand, though you may feel as if you think that particularly can't-stop-sweating thought about a trillion times over the course of a heat-wave-y afternoon. There are de-swelter solutions, from finding a city pool, or a movie theater, or a friend's cool garden, to making for all of those aforementioned grains of sand (well, not all of them, of course, but a goodly amount). And while many an ocean-close stretch can claim come quintessential beach-style action, Oxnard, for a lot of SoCalers, and Central Coasters, too, isn't all that far. The Oxnard-area beaches also offer an array of de-stress to-dos, from simply plunking down under a large hat, with a juicy novel, to finding some kayak and surfing opportunities. If you'll be Oxnarding it over the coming weeks, which may, if August and September traditions hold fast, be even fiercer in the heat department, best find your sandy bit of bliss soon. There's...
SILVER STRAND BEACH, which rocks some fishing action, as well as kayaking, while Hollywood Beach, with its Tinseltown-history cred (stars regularly visited this hideaway decades ago) has a whole "huge, sandy expanse" vibe (and an "uncrowded" vibe, too). Ormond Beach is known among bird buffs, especially those hoping to catch a sighting of the Western Snowy Plover, while Oxnard Beach Park boasts pathways and picnic tables. To find your match, eye all of the foam-churny spots along this part of the coast, and plot your course to A) cooling down and B) participating in that classic California hot-day'd delight, a day at the beach.