Eat This: The Frank Behry

Eat This is NBCLA's twice-weekly look at the best meals in town.

Your job: Get to the restaurant. Our job: Help you order. This week, NBCLA's Eat This journey takes us out for...

The Frank Behry: It's an ice cream sandwich -- or rather, a "sammie" in the COOLHAUS parlance -- and it is stacked as high as its near-namesake's buildings with strawberry ice cream. Okay, not really. But you'll get plenty of the cold stuff in a pretty little tower. We'll call it arcticly architectural.

Who's making it: COOLHAUS. The all-around-town truck has over 5000 Twitterites following its every treat-delivering move. Wearing the trucker caps (or is that trucker toques?) are sweet chefs Freya Estreller and Natasha Case.

What's in it: As mentioned, creamy-yum strawberry ice cream. Housing the creamy-yum: a sugar cookie. Sweet like summer's end. Other sammies include the Orange Julius Shulman and Mies Vanilla Rohe. Smiling.

Price: $3.50

Where's COOLHAUS? Hither and yon. They just parked at Algabar Home & Life the other night; the Silver Lake Flea Market's been another stop. Best sign up to follow the mobile ice cream parlor's updates and find out when they're coming to (or near) you.

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