
Who's serving the best themed drinks to get you through election night.

Two critical decisions must be made on Election Day.

1. Who to vote for as the next POTUS
2. What you'll drink to either (a) rejoice, or (b) numb yourself into denial that Armageddon is nigh

Yes on 2! Finally, a question you can't get wrong. Even better when it's multiple choice.

Morton's will be mixing three drinks tonight, one for each voting camp, to calm your CNN-addled nerves. Sure, you could make them at home in total anonymity, but where's the patriotism in that? At $11 a pop, these political potables are the best way we can think of to contribute to the economy and your buzz.

1.5 oz Absolut Citrus Vodka
1 oz Pama
.5 oz sour mix
Place all ingredients in a shaker and add ice. Shake 15 times and strain into a Martini Glass.

1.5 oz Absolut Citrus Vodka
1 oz Blue Curacao
.5 oz Sour Mix
Place all ingredients into shaker and add ice. Shake 15 times and strain into a Martini Glass.

1.5 oz blue curacao
1 oz Pama
.5 oz pomegranate syrup
Place Blue Curacao into shaker and add ice, shake 15 times and strain into martini glass. Place Pama and Pomegranate syrup into shaker. Shake 15 times and slowly strain down the side of the Martini glass so that the mixture floats to the bottom. You should have half red with half blue floating on top.

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