Feeding America in the Inland Empire Launches ‘Give Where You Live' Campaign

Feeding America Riverside | San Bernardino (FARSB) has kicked off a "Give Where You Live" campaign to raise awareness and support of the organization's efforts to help those in need.

FARSB has served the Inland Empire through food distribution and hunger-relief efforts for more than 38 years, serving more than 400,000 people who rely on the its food supply monthly to supplement their food shortage.

Although FARSB is a member of the Feeding America network of 200 food banks nationwide, it is a local nonprofit that is solely funded through local donations and support. The organization has seen an overall decline in local donations, grants, and corporate support over the past year, which results in less food to those most in need.

To support the hunger-relief efforts of FARSB, visit www.FeedingIE.org or call (951) 359-4757 ext. 109

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