
Feinstein Will Keep Senate Seat

Sen. Dianne Feinstein has won her Senate seat.

Feinstein, 85, is a Democrat and senior senator from California. The former San Francisco mayor was accompanied by her husband, Richard Blum, and stopped to greet fellow voters and people passing by.

Her challenger was fellow Democrat state Sen. Kevin de Leon.

De Leon got a burst of national attention last summer when the California Democratic Party endorsed him for U.S. Senate over incumbent Feinstein.

It seemed it could be the spark the former state Senate leader needed to make headway against a Goliath of California politics. But de Leon never parlayed the endorsement into significant campaign cash to boost his name recognition among California's nearly 20 million voters.

State and national Democratic activists largely stayed laser-focused on efforts to flip U.S. House seats.

Meanwhile, Feinstein blunted some of de Leon's argument that she's not tough enough against President Donald Trump when she became the target of Republican ire during confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Copyright AP - Associated Press
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