Mystery Trip Keeps You Guessing

"The most mysteriously awesome event on Earth," says one satisfied customer. That's tough to argue with.

Somewhere near the intersection of mystery and awesome resides Dave Green.

The tour guide, appropriately known as "Mysterious Dave," has taken one of his favorite summer camp traditions and parlayed it into a SoCal tour company.

Mystery Trip LA began in 2003. The concept is simple. Tourists take a leap of faith and put their day-trip itinerary in the hands of Green. Where you're going, what you're doing and most importantly, what you're eating are all secret.

Past stops have ranged from a tour of Dodger Stadium to the Bunny Museum to broomball to a tamale-making class, Green says.

The experience is usually reserved for private parties, but now for the first official time, Mystery Trip is opening its tour bus doors to the public, Thrillist LA reports.

Green says the public tour, scheduled for April 9, is a way for adventurers to hit the road without having to recruit a couple dozen friends for the usually private tours.

To make sure you're properly prepared for the road trip, Green will send out an e-mail listing all must-have items to bring along -- some are genuinely must-have, others are "red herrings" to keep you guessing. He wouldn't give away too much, but he did tell NBC LA, tourists will need to bring a piece of fruit. Is that a must-have? Is it a red herring? We just don't know.

As of now, the only thing we know for sure is that the outing is scheduled for Saturday, April 9, and begins at Hollywood & Highland.

To celebrate the inaugural public outing, tickets are currently 25 percent off.

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