Resolution: Get Back to Our Resolutions Pronto

If ever there was a time for people to get motivated to stay on track with whatever they vowed they'd really stay on track with this year, it's usually right about now. Let's call it the end-ish of January. Seems like the organizers behind the massive Los Angeles Fitness Expo are wise to this too, given this workout-y wonderland's precise timing.

Do we need to be muscled and tanned and brimming with vim and vigor to attend? Nope, but plan on seeing -- and being inspired by -- many attendees who make fitness a daily part of their get-cut, get-buff lives. There are several strength-type competitions throughout the two-day festival -- including Iron Man Pro XX and All-American Strongman Challenge -- as well as the Fittest Couple Contest and the American Street Dance Championships (which should be hugely popular with the spectators). Look for lectures from Olympians and a Mr. Olympia as well, plus a fitness-focused fashion show, various seminars on bodybuilding and nutrition, and health-it-up exhibitors galore.

We really need to unhand this croissant we've been gnawing at for the last hour and pick up a barbell. Is a two-pounder too heavy? Fitness Expo, we need some serious get-into-svelte-shape action fast. No joke. Please.

January 24-25
Los Angeles Convention Center, 1201 S. Figueroa, Los Angeles

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