Stand Aside, City Bustle

Farmers Market hosts one of LA's oldest fall festivals.

Everyone has had that profound "dang it" moment in life.

It's the moment when you see that things around you are changing but you determine that the thing you've been doing just works really well and will continue to work. "Dang it!" you say, as you stick to your proverbial guns. You're going to keep on keepin' on, thankyouverymuch.

We like to believe that Farmers Market has had multiple "dang it" moments over the years. And we're grateful for every one of 'em. Take the Third & Fairfax landmark's annual Fall Festival, which is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 15 and Sunday, Oct. 16. When the Fall Festival first started over three quarters of a century ago, the corner was pretty rural. Pretty rustic. Pretty ripe for a traditional fall festival.

No longer, right? It's now a busy, citified intersection. But, somewhere along the line, the Market gave a resounding "dang it." It kept to its pumpkin-laden, country-sweet autumn tradition, and thank goodness. Wait. We feel like going all capitals here, with a period thrown in the middle, for emphasis. THANK. GOODNESS.

Because? We all need such things in this big ol' megalopolis. We need the pie-eating contests and the pigs to pet and the hoedown-y tunes, and we need all of that steps away from the honky bustle of big Los Angeles. People still crave a gentle and free community-based experience that isn't overly LCD'd or gimmicked out.

The truth? We want to watch a goat chew hay mere steps from a Nordstrom's. Admit it.

We've said our piece. We love a good "dang it" moment, and we love that Farmers Market stuck with its folksiest annual tradition, regardless of the pressures of the changing times and surroundings. If you need the inspiration to stick with what's working in your own life, you only need visit the popular festival. There are loads of people having a good time. It's proof that dang-it-ing does sometimes work.

"Gumption" is probably what they called it back when Farmers Market first opened. Is it time for a "gumption" revival? We think it might be.

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