Steve Jobs: Idea for iPad Came Before iPhone

Multi-touch display idea came to Jobs in early 2000s.

Steve Jobs told a crowd at technology conference that he actually had the idea for what would eventually become the iPad before the iPhone was born.

Jobs wanted to ditch the keyboard for a flat, multi-touch display in the early 2000s so Apple built a prototype tablet device. When Jobs saw the device, it came to him - the same touch and scroll principle could be applied to a cutting edge mobile phone.

That's when the tablet idea was shelved while Apple went full force ahead to develop the iPhone.

The original iPhone launched to huge crowds in 2007 and revolutionized the industry. There are now scores of copycat touchscreen phones now flooding the market, and some are giving the app-friendly device a run for its money. Apple is expected to take the wraps off of a brand new version of the iPhone on June 7th during its annual developers conference.

Jobs told the story at D8: All Things Digital, a tech conference being held in Rancho Palos Verdes.

Watch the video below for the full anecdote.

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