Surf Dogs at Loews Coronado

BARKS 'N BOARDS: We don't know about you, but a Jack Russell Terrier wearing a little doggie-size life vest is high up on the Most Darling Things Ever scale. But if Mr. Jack is riding the waves with a human buddy, and all to raise money for a fine cause, then we stow that scale and look instead to the Really Nice Events We Want to Support chart. And the Loews Coronado Bay Resort Surf Dog Competition qualifies, very much, for a place on that particular roster.

SIXTH ANNUAL: The Jacks and other water-loving pups'll be donning their jackets on Saturday, June 4. Time is 11 a.m., and there will be three categories: one for little diggers, one for big, and one for tandem riding. And the beneficiary of the day? It's all going down at Imperial Beach in San Diego, and dogs will be judged in part on their ability to, wait for it, "grip it and rip it." That's kind of what dogs do so well, right? The gripping and the ripping? Well. At least the furry toughies we know and love.

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