Two Burger Legends Have a Surprising SoCal History

Two burger legends are battling it out for the Golden Local title “Best Burger Under $5.” Besides having some of the best burgers in Socal (or anywhere for that matter), both share a long Socal history.

In-n-Out was founded in 1948 by Harry & Esther Synder and opened their first location in Baldwin Park. But besides a double-double with cheese, can you guess their real claim to fame? In-n-Out was the 1st drive through stand in California. And life on the go has never been the same.

Fatburger began in 1952 founded by Lovie Yancey. Their first restaurant opened on Western Avenue in South Los Angeles. But did you notice there's always a jutebox in every store? The reason? The only thing Lovie loved as much as hamburgers was music and she made sure it was part of the experience. Every store playes a Kickin’ selection of Rock ‘n Roll, R&B, Hip-Hop and Classic Soul.

The finalists in the Golden Local Best Burger under $5 debate were selected by an editorial committee made up of highly skilled, highly competitive and in-the-know staff. visitors can ad their own editorial comments while they vote for the Hamburger establishment of their choice. Ideas for future debates -- and candidates for those debates -- can be submitted through the “contact us” section of the website.

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