The Weezer Snuggie Goes Safari

You've likely seen the Weezer Snuggie by now. You very well could own the Weezer Snuggie by now. You could be reading this from inside a Weezer Snuggie.

We marveled at the great be-Snuggie'd mass of musicians on the stage on David Letterman recently. And we've been amused -- or is it bemused? -- at references to the bright blue Snuggie with "Weezer" across the chest popping up practically everywhere.

To offer an alternative to the blue -- and we do like electric blue -- we're putting up the band's "Snuggie Safari" which is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. Buy, get the new "Raditude" CD, a photo book, and the comfort of knowing you'll be cozy all winter long. That package is $50, but there's a larger one for more money that has more things.

Weezer, now it is time for you to come out with a line of leg warmers. No joke. Just slap your logo on the back of each calf and call it a day.

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