New Trains at LAX to Reduce Traffic in Terminals

LAX plans to ease congestion within the terminals with the new Automated People Mover. 

The electric train system is an elevated guideway with three stations outside the terminal loop and three inside, according to Los Angeles World Airports.

The project broke ground in 2018, but full operation is anticipated in 2023.

During the summer and fall months of 2019, construction for the guideway track and six stations will begin. The first APM car will be delivered in late 2020. Major construction will be completed in mid-2022, and full implementation in early 2023.

The 2.5-mile track will have nine trains, each with four cars. Each car will carry up to 50 passengers and their luggage, totaling 200 per train.

Trains are free for travelers and will be available at each station every two minutes with a total of 10 minutes travel time end-to-end. The APM trains, elevators, escalators, and moving sidewalks will significantly aid in congestion, LAX said. 

Another incentive -- travelers will also be able to view flight information in real-time.

The APM system is a sustainable effort, which aims to reduce the airport’s carbon footprint. All 44 cars are electric powered and 98% recyclable. The design enhancements offset the carbon equivalent of 12 million vehicle miles driven.

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