Fido and Fluffy Hitting the Road with Mom and Dad

A new survey shows Americans love travelling with their pets, a pet travel service provider, today announced the results of its second annual Summer Pet Travel Survey of more than 10,000 pet owners worldwide, finding that 60 percent traveled with pets during 2010.

The survey also shows that 48 percent of the pet owners spends less than $500 annually on pet travel-related products and services. However, nearly thirty percent of pet owners said they spend $1000 or more.

Last year's survey showed a lot of people felt pet flying with your pet was so expensive, it wasn't really possible for them. This year's survey found only 18 percent view airline fees as too expensive.

Although a lot of people felt the number of pet-friendly hotels was not large enough, those who chose to stay at hotels because they are pet-friendly jumped by 10 percent from 2010 to 2011, with 78 percent of respondents indicating they had stayed at a hotel because it allowed pets or was considered to be "pet-friendly." 

Full results of the second annual Summer Pet Travel Survey are available here.


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