iPhone Gets Update: Now You Can Do a Virtual Walk Around Town

Apple released update 2.2 for the iPhone that includes several stability improvements as well as enhanced Google maps and streaming Podcast support. LA users will enjoy the addition of street views and public transit information. 

Street View takes users on a virtual walking tour of their favorite city (LA of course). You can navigate street-level photographs of places you've located in Maps. Users can also share their location by tapping a button to send an email that includes a Google Maps URL. In addition, you get walking directions that include bus and Metrolink schedules, ability to check fares, and estimate your travel time. Tests showed street view worked well for the LA metro area however Public Transit information was less accurate. Not all agencies are reporting information yet.

Other improvements include streaming access to millions of free Podcasts on the iTunes Store via Wi-Fi or your cellular network. Safari has been enhanced with a new search-friendly user interface, better performance, and more stability.

Jesus Diaz over at Gizmodo has been using the update for the last 24 hours. He says the stability and performance seems to have improved. "It works fairly well, feels smooth, and the new features are a must have—especially the new Maps application. Go get it now."

The update is available through iTunes at Apple.com.

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