Bryan Stow Throws Ceremonial First Pitch at Minor League Game

The 46-year-old, who suffered severe brain damage after being attacked outside Dodger Stadium in 2011, was given a standing ovation

Bryan Stow threw the first pitch at a minor league game. Whit Johnson reports for Today in LA on Friday, Apr. 17, 2015

A San Francisco Giants fan who left in a coma and suffered severe brain damage when he was attacked by two men outside a Dodger Stadium game four years ago threw out the ceremonial first pitch Thursday at a minor league baseball game.

Bryan Stow was given a standing ovation when he tossed out the first pitch at the home opener for the San Jose Giants. Stow, a 46-year-old former Santa Cruz paramedic and father of two children, thanked the fans and said he might go home and "cry over this."

 "I would love to do it again... When do they play again? Next week? Tomorrow? I can be here tomorrow," Stow said.

Stow was in a coma following the March 2011 attack in a Dodger Stadium parking lot. He spent years in a wheelchair, but now uses a walker. He was awarded $18 million from the Dodgers organization in a 2014 civil trial.

Stow has made massive progress over the last four years to get better, and a lot of people were stunned to see just how much he's improved. He said the ovation he received from the crowd is something that will motivate him as he continues his comeback.

Stow must still take more than 50 pills daily to prevent blood clots and seizures, according to the San Jose Mercury News, which spoke with the family before Thursday's game.

Two men who pleaded guilty in the assault received prison sentences of eight and four years.

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