Shelter Security Cameras Capture German Shepherd's Great Escape

All evidence pointed to an escaped cat until staff members reviewed security camera video and saw Ginger the German shepherd, hopping on a counter and opening doors

Staff members at a Southern California animal shelter thought they had an intruder on their hands last month after alarms were set off in the building. Security camera video from Sept. 16, 2016.

Staff members at a Southern California animal shelter thought they had an intruder on their hands this month after alarms were set off one weekend inside the building.

A check of the shelter in the San Bernardino County community of Apple Valley revealed items scattered around the front desk, but no sign of anyone in the building. Staff members said they found phones, papers and files pulled off the front counter, evidence that initially suggested the work of an escaped cat.

Because usually, it is the cat.

But the first clue came Sunday when a staff member noticed a dog missing from her adoption kennel near the back of the shelter.

It wasn't a case of an intruder -- they had a furry fugitive on their hands.

The missing dog was reported to the shelter Monday morning, about the time that staff members reviewed security camera video. The video showed Ginger the resourceful German shepherd as she opened doors and hopped on a counter to have a look around, explaining the untidy front desk.

Ginger needed to open three doors between her kennel area and the front parking lot to make her great escape, according to staff. She can be seen on her hind legs in the front lobby, unlatching the last barrier to the parking lot and the wonders of Southern California's Victor Valley.

Ginger was found safe about three miles from the shelter. She was returned to her kennel and is waiting for a loving, and secure, home.

Visit the shelter's Facebook page for more information. 

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