High Surf to Buffet SoCal Coast Thru Tuesday

A strong swell in Southern California Sunday brought high surf to coastal areas and was expected to last through Tuesday. Jane Yamamoto reports for NBC4 News at 11 p.m. Sunday, May 3, 2015.

A strong swell moved onto the Southern California coast Sunday, expected to bring high surf to the area through Tuesday, forecasters said.

The high surf and strong currents, especially pronounced on south-facing beaches, will create dangerous swimming conditions, according to the National Weather Service. While all beaches were expecting 5- to 8-foot surf, local wave sets up to 10 feet were expected at Malibu, parts of Palos Verdes and other locations.

The high surf advisory went effect at 8 a.m. Sunday. and will be in place through 11 p.m. Tuesday, the NWS said.

"People standing too close to the waves can be swept off their feet and injured," the NWS advisory noted.

The dangerous currents can tax local rescue resources. During a high surf advisory on February 14, the Los Angeles County Fire Department's lifeguards made 129 rescues, which was "unheard of for February," spokesman Jim Arnold said at the time.

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