LA Community Leaders and Clergy Pray for Justice at Ferguson Service

Activists and priests said progress has to be made on race relations in the US during the service at Holman United Methodist Church.

Community leaders and clergy gathered at in Los Angeles Tuesday to pray for justice following the Ferguson grand jury decision.

Activists and priests said progress has to be made on race relations in the US during the service at Holman United Methodist Church.

It was claimed one reason officer Darren Wilson received so much support after shooting Michael Brown was due to the way people are raised.

"The vast majority of white people in this country are in support of Darren Wilson because we've been taught from the time we're little, to be afraid," Rev. Frank Wulf of the United University Church said, "We as white people who want to be allies in the struggle for full equality in this country, around this world need to do is begin to deal with the fear."

One thing everyone in the multicultural crowd agreed on was there had to be action and not just talk in the future.

"We want progress! We want to move forward. Tired of just reacting and reacting,” Maria Elena Durazo, LA County Federation of Labor said.

And the the attendees were united in promising they would work hard in the face of adversity to bring change.

, activist says:

"Prepare for long and difficult struggle. Regardless of the grand jury verdict in Ferguson, the struggle must and will continue," Activist Dr. Maulena Karenga said.

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