Make Your Own Carmageddon Fascinator

Because every 405 closure needs a bit of royal class.

The two most recent traffic nightmares in Los Angeles -- the Royals' visit and this weekend's Carmageddon -- seem to have little in common.

Until now.

With just a few ingredients and some hot glue, you too can enjoy the 405 closure in true royal style with a Carmageddon fascinator.

The super fancy hats were all the rage during the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's wedding earlier this year. Princess Beatrice's fascinator (aka an octopus sitting on someone's head) was so popular, it sold for $132,000 on eBay, all for charity of course.

For the 405 closure, you won't need to spend nearly as much. For just a few bucks, you can have your very own Carmageddon fascinator.


  1. Hot Wheels track (found at any toy store)
  2. Model Railroad Bridge Piers (found at any hobby story, example)
  3. Headband
  4. Paper freeway signs
  5. Sticks
  6. Hot glue gun


  1. Glue Hot Wheels track to headband
  2. Glue supports to track
  3. Glue another track on top of that for a bridge
  4. Glued sticks to bridge
  5. Glue freeway signs to sticks
  6. Act royal
  7. Read our Carmageddon Survival Kit
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