
Clear the Shelters: Bailey Could Be Your New Adventure Buddy

Bailey, our Pet of the Week, is the perfect weekend warrior dog. Alysha Del Valle reports for Today in LA on Friday, Sept. 6, 2019.

Meet our Pet of the Week, Bailey. The labrador retriever and vizsla is the perfect dog for anyone who likes going on adventures during the day, and relaxing on the couch at night.

The 4-year-old dog loves running, toys and cuddling. He is an active dog who will be able to keep up with his human during excursions (as long as he has the occasional five minute cuddle break in between walking sessions).

Shelter staff at the Pasadena Humane Society say he "was patient and easy going with both adults and kids" during his first hiking excursion to the Sturtevent Falls trail in Arcadia. 

If you're looking for an adventure buddy and would like to adopt Bailey, you can click here for more information. 

ID: A448879

Pasadena Humane Society
361 S. Raymond Ave. 
Pasadena, CA 91105
(626) 792-7151 (center)

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