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If you are a small business owner in the Los Angeles area, you know about the importance of advertising. And in an increasingly digital world, the potential for online advertising is enormous: Businesses can reach more clients in different locations, enabling them to acquire new clients. Digital advertising is an especially effective way of targeting a specific audience by using messaging that applies directly to them on sites that they frequent, which is a must for reaching new eyes and ears. Because well-executed digital advertisements are tailored, they are an efficient use of company resources, and they can be just as easy to develop as print advertisements with some local, professional help. Read on to find out how to use digital advertising to turn a new demographic into a loyal customer base.

Converting new customers

93 percent of American adults are online– a compelling figure for the potential of digital advertising to boost sales. With a digital ad, an advertiser can have a lot of control over who sees it by targeting specific age, gender, race, and geographic demographics. This method means businesses can avoid wastful spending on low quality views, meaning people who have no interest in the subject or are unlikely to convert into customers. With the help of professionals, like the team at Ignite Digital, businesses can come up with a digital advertising plan that strategically targets their audience, allowing them to invest in the most likely converts.

Adapting quickly

While print advertising is by no means obsolete, digital advertising has a distinct advantage: fast adjustment times that allows room to change course or fix mistakes quickly. If you want to adjust an online advertisement, the elasticity of the internet makes editing of very easy, unlike print ads which require significant time and money to change. Additionally, digital marketing allows businesses to monitor progress and results, and subsequently, to use that valuable data –number of clicks, impressions, and website traffic–to adapt and rethink. You can learn a lot about what tactics were ineffective through online ads, which is an invaluable resource moving forward with growing your business.

If you are looking for professional help with local digital advertising, look no further than Ignite Digital. Click here to learn more about Ignite Digital’s offers and how they can help develop an online advertising plan that helps your business succeed.

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