LA Launches Mobile Billboard Roundup

A businessman shows up to protest the ban as city officials recap the weekend crackdown

LA's mobile billboard roundup began with 16 citations and a few impounds.

A new state law authorizes local governments to ban the billboards. Owners are subject to misdemeanor penalties.

"Removing that illegal, blighted billboard is what we're going to start seeing all over Los Angeles," said Mitchell Englander, chief of staff to Councilman Greig Smith. "It is the No. 1 complaint we get."

He's referring to the small, trailer-mounted advertising signs that are parked on streets. Los Angeles officials had sought the law on the grounds that these mobile billboards are eyesores and should not be parked along roadways.

Councilman Dennis Zine said the city created a task force of community residents, who began reporting locations to the city.

"Our posse members were able identify the locations," Zine said. "On Jan. 1, we started the warnings."

Zine said 16 mobile advertising displays were issued citations. Nine were impounded.

Most of them are in the San Fernando Valley where businessman Bruce Boyer believes they bring in customers for his burglar alarm company. At Monday's news conference, Boyer planted himself next to the speakers' podium and stated his position as city officials continued speaking.



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