LAPD Cracks Down on Jaywalkers This Holiday Season

Officials in the Historic Core will be issuing more tickets than usual

Law enforcement officials patrolling the downtown area of Los Angeles this holiday season will be stepping up their enforcement on jaywalking.

As the Los Angeles Downtown News reports, officers will be issuing tickets to those crossing the street against a blinking red light and those choosing not to use a crosswalk at all.

Getting stuck with one of these tickets will run you $190.

"It's a double-edged sword because a lot of people want a high police presence and enforcement, but they don't want a jaywalking ticket," said Central Area Captain Todd Chamberlain.

The enforcement this year comes as a result of three vehicle and pedestrian elated accidents between Nov. 25 and Dec. 31 of last year, one of which was fatal, compared to an average of less than one a month the rest of the year.

Officers will also be issuing more tickets for moving violations committed by vehicles, said Senior Lead Officer Stephen Nichols.

"It's not to punish as much as it is to enforce and to educate, to remind them that even though they're aware of vehicle traffic, vehicle traffic may not be aware of them," Nichols said.

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