“Oprah” Segment Spikes Interest in San Luis Obispo

The title of "America's Happiest City" has garnered new attention for SLO

Since being featured as "America's Happiest City" on "Oprah," San Luis Obispo has reportedly seen a spike in online curiosity.

Two of the city's benchmarks for tourism both say they've seen spikes in web traffic since the city was featured on Jan. 26.

According to the San Luis Obispo Tribune:

The San Luis Obispo County Visitor and Conference Bureau's website (sanluisobispocounty.com), which receives an average of 1,400 visitors a day, increased by 179 percent to 3,900 visitors Wednesday.

According to KSBY:

The San Luis Obispo Chamber of Commerce said its tourism website saw a 745 percent increase in hits on Wednesday alone. The website normally gets about 290 visits per day in the slow winter months, but yesterday VisitSLO.com reached 2,443 hits.

The "Oprah" clip was part of an episode entitled "Are You Happy?" It featured actress and show correspondent, Jenny McCarthy, as she traveled through the city.

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