“She Meant What She Said”

Latino leaders go after a Mexican singer

A Mexican feminist singer is getting heat from Mexican-Americans about her same-sex adoption statements.

"The question was very clear as it was posed to her," said Oscar de la O, executive director of Bienestar, a Los Angeles based Latino community service organization.

Paquita La Del Barrio said she thought a child should "die," instead of being adopted by a same sex couple.

She made the statement after a reporter on a Spanish-language entertainment show asked her if show whould rather see a "child die in the streets from hunger," or being adopted by two people who love the child, and care of the child.  She quickly answered, "I perfer he die."

"I think she meant to say what she said. The question was not ambigious, and her response was very clear," said De La O.  His organization organized a protest Tuesday asking for the community to place pressure on Paquita.  "She has a very large market in the Latino community, and we can not continue to allow these type of messages that promotes homophobia and discrimation,  We're not saying boycott her concerts or records, but we are saying that we need to hold people accountable that promote hate and discrimination."

De La O made the comments while talking on NBCLA's NewsRaw's show. "We believe her responbilities is not so much an apology, we will just judge her on her future actions."

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