A Touch of Misery on First Day of LA Summer Heat

How hot is this Southern California heat wave? Enough to partially cook an egg outside — at least in the perennially sweltering desert city of Palm Springs.

Temperatures there reached a blistering 122 degrees Monday, just one degree shy of the Coachella Valley city's all-time record high, The Desert Sun reports.

Is that hot enough to cook an egg on the sidewalk? Not quite. The newspaper placed a sheet of aluminum foil on the ground and cracked an egg on it. Video shows only the egg's outer edges solidifying — not good enough to eat with a side of toast.

Cooked or not, the heat was relentless, and Southern Californians baking under the sun took to social media to share their thoughts, and in some cases misery, on the first day of summer.

The heat left some searching for answers.

It also took NBA player John Wall by surprise. He plays on the East Coast.

One Reddit user shared photos of a spray paint can that burst and splattered paint everywhere.

exploded spray paint can socal heat 6.20.16

One way to cool down: apply ice packs from top to bottom.

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