Bad Human Steals Good Dogs

The has been a surge in puppy thefts in the Inland Empire

Some people say it is just mean -- stealing puppies. But the San Bernardino Sheriff’s Department says it could be grand theft.

Walt Mitchell of Menifee has an adult Golden Retriever named Abby. Abby recently had a litter of eight golden retriever puppies. Four of those puppies were stolen from Mitchell’s home as he worked out back.

Mitchell is not a breeder. He just loves dogs.

Mitchell says the puppies, three females and a male have special dietary needs, and haven’t had all their shots. He is concerned that they will get sick or even die if they don’t get the attention they need.

Officials say that there has been a recent surge of puppy thefts in the Inland Empire.

Arden Wiltshire of the San Bernardino Sheriff’s Department says that if the puppies are worth more than $400 it could be considered grand theft. The puppies are estimated to be worth $1,200 each -- but as many pet owners would tell you, a puppy is priceless.

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