TTYL… On Spring Break in Palm Springs

Palm Springs tourism officials Monday started sending out another wave of 55,000 text messages to California college students, urging them to visit the city for spring break.

Palm Springs-area hotels, motels and restaurants have noticed an upsurge in the number of "spring breakers" since the first wave of 55,000 messages went out starting on March 4, according to the city's bureau of tourism.  

Tourism officials hope to rekindle the relationship the college-age spring break crowd had with the city 20 years ago.

It was around that time that city officials cracked down on the young tourists. A ban on public nudity, known as the "G-string ordinance," was passed, and authorities closed down Palm Canyon Drive, a popular cruising area with students.

This year's spike in student tourists has not led to an upsurge in raucous behavior, said police Sgt. Mitch Spike.

"There has been nothing of note," Spike said.

There have been nearly 6,000 hits at the site established by the Palm Springs Bureau of Tourism to encourage students to visit Palm Springs during spring break, according to City News Service.  


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