
Victorville Deputy's Act of Kindness Goes Viral

The photos and email, sent by a Mr. Haston, describe deputy Nathan Sims sitting on a Victorville bus bench next to an elderly man in a wheelchai

A Victorville deputy is being praised on social media after a witness captured photos of him helping an elderly man on a wheelchair in a simple act of kindness Thursday.

The San Bernardino Sheriff's Department posted an email from the witness who captured the deputy's good deed on their Facebook page.

The photos and email, sent by a Mr. Haston, describe deputy Nathan Sims sitting on a Victorville bus bench next to an elderly man in a wheelchair, "perhaps just keeping him company as he waited for the bus to arrive," the letter said.

The deputy also helped the elderly man onto a bus near Bear Valley Road at about 11:00 am Thursday.

"The scene led my thoughts to believe that the deputy was paying honor and respect to this gentleman," the letter sent to Victorville's watch commander said. "Thank you Sir for the integrity of this man under your supervision."

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