$500,000 Donated for 16th Century Replica Ship

In an ongoing financing effort for the San Salvador project, $500,000 has just been donated to the Maritime Museum.

The donation came from the Hervey Family Fund at the San Diego Foundation for the Spanish galleon replica ship that Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo sailed into San Diego Bay in September of 1542.

“The Hervey family have been among the foremost contributors to making San Diego one of the
great places to live – with education, literacy, heritage and culture as themes to their legacy,” said Museum President and CEO Raymond Ashley. “This full-scale, seaworthy replica of Cabrillo’s galleon will serve both to educate and fuel the imaginations of tens of thousands of children in our region.”

Built over a period of four years in a parking lot across from the airport, The San Salvador made its public debut at the Embarcadero’s Festival of Sail Labor Day weekend.

The replica ship, which will stay in the San Diego Harbor for several months before sailing to different ports along the coast, will serve as a floating classroom and monument to history for thousands of students and visitors each year.

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