
Activist Faces Jail Time for Laughing During Jeff Sessions' Confirmation Hearing

She laughed after an Alabama senator testified about Jeff Sessions' equal treatment of all Americans

An activist could go to jail for laughing during Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ confirmation hearing, NBC News reported.

Desiree Fairooz, 61, a member of activist group Code Pink, was arrested in January during the hearing’s opening statements. She's alleged to have laughed twice following a statement from Alabama Sen. Richard Shelby that Session’s record of "treating all Americans equally under the law is clear and well-documented," according to a government motion.

Ariel Gold, campaign manager for Code Pink, described the noise as less than a cough.

Fairooz was found guilty of disrupting Congress and parading/demonstrating, according to U.S. Attorney spokesman Bill Miller.

Two other Code Pink activists, Tighe Barry and Lenny Bianchi, who dressed as members of the Ku Klux Klan as commentary on what the group believe is Sessions' racist past, were arrested and found guilty of parading/demonstrating and unlawful display.

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