Air Shows Threatened by Sequestration

Blue Angels shows canceled throughout summer

Dozens of the Navy’s Blue Angels shows have been canceled because of sequestration.

Officials are cutting air shows to save an estimated $28 million in budget cuts.

But military shows aren’t the only thing facing cancellation – flyovers at games and special events are also on the chopping block.  Those events are typically where the general public can get a glimpse into some of the military's most impressive machines.

The Air Force also announced all of its public air support including flyovers at sporting events and several air shows around the country.

People who enjoy watching the events said it’s a shame the events are canceled for now.

"Little kids love that stuff, going with their families,” said Jessica Harrington. “It's a great opportunity to really see where some of our tax dollars go towards. So, it's sad to have that taken away.”

One person suggested that venues pay the military for the special flyovers.

“Any stadium, I mean they have the sporting event in a certain stadium, they should be able to manage the funding themselves, you know,” said Sarin Poco. “They pay pro athletes plenty of money; I think they can afford to pay for the flyover."

The Miramar Air show is still on the October schedule for now, and today a base spokesperson told us they will proceed with plans for all of their attractions unless told otherwise. And a spokesperson for the Padres said the team is looking for other, non-military options for the upcoming opening day.

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