Border Patrol Agents Intercept Firearm, Drugs Thrown Over Border Fence

U.S Border Patrol agents in Calexico intercepted a firearm and drugs that were said to be thrown over the border fence last weekend. 

Border Patrol agents received a call from a concerned citizen who noticed a suspicious item in the middle of the road shortly after 11:00 p.m. on Saturday.

Agents responded to the location and found a football-shaped package wrapped in tape. Border Patrol agents noticed an additional bundle 50 yards away, which appeared to be a pistol also wrapped in tape.

Both items were seized and taken to the Calexico Border Patrol Station. The substance in the package tested positive for marijuana with a Narcotics Identification System kit and valued to be worth $600.

The second bundle shaped like a firearm contained a Jennings Firearms Bryco-59, 9mm handgun with one magazine and no ammunition. The serial number had been tampered with and was illegible.

“I am very thankful that our agents took this firearm off the streets. There is no doubt in my mind that the firearm recovered would have been used to perpetrate violent crime,” said El Centro Sector Chief Gloria Chavez.

To report any suspicious activity to the Border Community Threat Hotline call 1-800-901-2003.

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