
California Voters Approved Pot, But Uncertainty Lingers

Voters in California approved recreational marijuana use in the last election when they passed Proposition 64. Now the question is, where will these businesses set up shop?

Local jurisdictions must still iron out the rules and regulations for the growth, distribution and delivery of marijuana in California.

Zach Lazarus , the COO of the Green Alternative in San Diego, which sells medical marijuana, plans to get in to the recreational pot business too.

He said they want to “give back to the tax bases of the community and serve the underserved.”

On Politically Speaking, he said he is waiting for local governments to come up with the parameters within which they can operate.

At the same time, cities like Poway passed an emergency ordinance banning the sale of marijuana.

“Poway is a little bit different, always has been, always will be," said Poway Mayor Steve Vaus. "We take a pretty conservative approach to everything we do.”

On NBC 7's Politically Speaking, the two had an informative discussion about what happens next in the California pot industry.

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