
Celebrities Take to Social Media to #BoycottNRA and Amazon

Amid the outcry for gun reform, celebrities are using Twitter to voice their concerns about NRA and Amazon

Hollywood has had enough of the NRA.

In the wake of one the worst mass school shootings in history on Valentine's Day, celebrities are showing that it's more than just the students, teachers and parents of Parkland, Florida, that want a sweeping change to gun laws in America. 

Hollywood stars Alyssa Milano, Evan Handler join Amy Hargreaves, Ally Walker, Tara Strong and many others that have taken to Twitter to make their voices heard, calling for a boycott of the NRA using #BoycottNRA and Amazon #StopNRAmazon.

The social media movement has companies from all over the country to begin to distance themselves from the gun advocacy group ending their discount partnerships with them.

Milano has been an activist for the cause on social media, dedicating her Twitter page to the victims of Parkland shooting by featuring the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School logo.

Milano and Handler have both called for Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos to end his relationship with the NRA and to stop airing NRAtv on Amazon Prime TV.

The television network airs more than 30 original series with the likes of NRA spokesperson and Breitbart editor Dana Loesch.

Amazon has yet to release an official statement. 

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