3-Day Weekends, Free Vacation Money: CEOs Are Taking Job Perks to the Max

"I wanted to create a company culture I actually wanted to, and could, work in"

Some companies are going far beyond casual Fridays to keep employees happy, NBC News reported.

There are three-day weekends every week, tropical "workations" and bonus money set aside only for vacations. And these perks are being offered by more than just cushy start-ups — PR firms, ad agencies, even cosmetics and e-commerce businesses are getting in on it. 

"I wanted to create a company culture I actually wanted to, and could, work in," Media Minefield CEO Kristi Piehl said. "I was a TV reporter when both my boys were born so [bringing my kids to the office] wasn't an option, but in the kind of environment we have at Media Minefield, it would work. So we gave it a try and so far, so good." 

Such perks may sound extravagant, but industry experts say that the more CEOs invest in their employees, the more likely they are to hold onto them for the long haul.

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