Major League Baseball

Dodgers Teach Science to Kids Through Baseball

The Working Scholars program in Mountain View graduated its first class of 14 students, among them the Mayor of East Palo Alto, who learned of the program when proposed bringing it to her city.

In the past few years, Major League Baseball has gone through a scientific and mathematical revolution. The concepts of "Moneyball" have changed the way players prepare, the strategies used on the field and how fans talk about the game.

The Dodgers are passing those concepts down by teaching hundreds of little baseball fans to find joy in learning about science and math.

The team hosted a STEM field day with players like Chris Taylor, Matt Beaty and Will Smith on a baseball field in Inglewood. They brought in 500 local kids to show them how the scientific concepts they have been learning in school come into play every day in the game the love

"It makes the subjects more entertaining for them, more relatable, especially for a lot of these kids that are involved in sports," Taylor said. "It can create a level of interest in them."

The event featured stations where the students used slingshots to learn about launch angle, batting to learn about the application of force running the bases to learn about momentum and velocity.

"We see that every day with baseball," Taylor said.

The goal is to use a fun day out on the field to inspire a love for science that carries on back in the classroom and, maybe one day, help the Dodgers win games.

"We have so many people that work with us and help us perform that are involved in the math and science behind the game to help give us every advantage we can get," Taylor said.

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