Facebook Tops 1,000,000,000,000 Views in June

If Facebook statistics have started to fade in importance it's because of their stunning ubiquity. Huge numbers are tossed about when it comes to the platform.

The hugest so far? A trillion. Page views. In one month. Another significant number is 870,000,000 unique visitors for June 2011.

That number represents a 46.9 percent reach among web surfers, according to AllFacebook.com.

Second place? Rival Google's YouTube came in at 100,000,000,000 page views, but a close 790,000,000 uniques. That's a 42.6 percent reach.

Yahoo.com rounds out the top three with a 31.8 percent reach and 78,000,000,000 views, 590,000,000 uniques.

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