
Fiji Water Girl Photobombs the Golden Globes Red Carpet and the Internet Loves It

"The fiji water girl is serving LOOKS. Opportunity seeking at its finest. Get it queen!"

A brunette holding a tray of water bottles is photobombing the stars on the Golden Globes red carpet, and the internet loves it.

She's been dubbed "Fiji Water Girl." 

The young woman, wearing a bright blue spaghetti-strapped dress, is holding a tray of Fiji water to aid celebrities with a need to quench their thirst. Her task has left her positioned behind the stars and surprisingly in the limelight.

She plays a starring role in celebrity pictures on the red carpet with Idris Elba and Jim Carrey, to name a couple. She's giving a sultry look in some photos, and an off-camera head turn in others. 

Alex Grigorian tweeted: "The fiji water girl is serving LOOKS. Opportunity seeking at its finest. Get it queen!"

The internet has had a ball with her posing. See more Twitter reaction to Fiji Water Girl here. 

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