Google Glass Says No to Porn

Google Glass has no tolerance for porn and it says it now in its developer guidelines.

“We don’t allow Glassware content that contains nudity, graphic sex acts or sexually explicit material,” Google’s Glass platform developer policies stated this week. The news comes just as a sexually explicit app from Seattle-based MiKandi, a mobile app store for adult content, launched Monday for the new eyewear.

The app lets users share sexually explicit content and view "premium adult photos," according to PCWorld. MiKandi, now aware of the new developer guidelines, hasn't been contacted by Google but its co-founder said he and the other three developers are discussing company plans.
Google Glass is worn like glasses and while not released to the general public, it has been launched to developers to create apps for the device. Some say that because there are so many privacy concerns about the glasses, Google is more willing to create hardline policies.
The new policies also bans developers from such things as violence, bullying, hate speech, deceitful apps, gambling and illegal activities.
The new rules mean that Google is keeping Google Glass squeaky-clean, at least for now. Google needs the new device to pass muster for the government to approve it and the general public to accept a device that could be recording his or her every move. Not allowing sexual explicitly content is a way to ensure that more people view the device as "safe."
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