Google's User Dashboard Launches

One Google, one dashboard. The Account Activity Report pulls together a user's, um, use of all of Google products, feeding into one convenient report, according to their official blog. (click here to opt-in).

With YouTube, Gmail, Google Docs, Google+ and dozens more products all under one sign-on, keeping track of everything needed to be compiled.

As the company points out on its blog, it's also easy to notice any security breaches that may have happened somewhere in your Googleverse.

The AAR is designed for "transparency and control, summarizes the data associated with each product you use when signed in to your account and provides links to change personal settings" -- that's how the splash page reads once you opt-in. (Our test report took about two minutes to generate.)

Still in beta, a dropdown at the top of the report implies that users can choose a range of dates to analyze. Our first report goes back a month.

The report provides browsers used, top search queries, most contacted people and email quantities, both received and sent.

For personal productivity, analyzing email volume may be most useful, but seeing that "california pizza" is a top search might also help with other productivity goals.

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