Middle East

Identical Triplets Test 3 Home DNA Kits for Accuracy

Because the sisters' DNA is identical, the tests should have produced identical results for each woman

At-home DNA tests that reveal your family history and ancestral roots are gaining popularity before the holiday season, but how accurate are they? Identical triplet sisters appeared on the "Today" show to test three brands.

Californian sisters Kaeli, Kelsey and Korrie tested kits from the popular companies AncestryDNA, 23andMe and MyHeritage DNA. 

Because the sisters' DNA is identical, the tests should have produced identical results for each woman. 

All three kits revealed an extremely high DNA match for the women, while AncestoryDNA and 23andMe revealed ancestral roots in Scandinavia, Britain and the Middle East for all three women. MyHeritage's results were more specific in listing North African roots.

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