iPhone, Android More Important Than Sex: Survey

Just what would you be willing to give up to keep your iPhone or Android device if push came to shove?

According to a new survey, a lot of us would be willing to give up sex, chocolate and exercise but we aren't willing to go barefoot to save our beloved hand held devices.

A recent study by TeleNav shows just how addicted we have become to wireless technology.

All Things D reports that the study found:

  • A third of all surveyed were willing to give up sex for a week rather than forgo their mobile phone.
  • When it comes to guilty pleasures, 55 percent were willing to go without caffeine, 63 percent
  • said they’d give up chocolate before their phone, and 70 percent would forsake alcohol to hang on to their phone.
  • Some 54 percent were willing to go a week without exercise to keep a tight grip on their phone.

But there are still some lines we won't cross. Only 22 percent of those surveyed said they would rather go a week without seeing their significant others than giving up their phones.

Only 1 in 5 people were willing to go barefoot to save their beloved devices. Of those survey, 43 percent of iPhone owners said they would forsake shoes to keep Apple's wonder gadget, while only 27 percent of Android and Blackberry users said they would go to the same extreme?

What does that say about iPhone owners and Apple's grip over people's lives?


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