iPhone Top Phone for Business

Although Android may be the top smartphone platform, Apple's iPhone seems to be the phone for business, according to reports.

iPass, a mobile services provider, released its Mobile Workforce Report which says that iPhone business use has risen 31 percent from 2010 and now has 45 percent of the smartphone share, beating out both BlackBerry and Android. BlackBerry is at 35 percent of business marketshare and Android comes in third at 21 percent.

The report, based on a survey of more than 2,300 workers worldwide, said that much of the rise is because businesses have adopted a "bring your own device" policy, so users are bringing their iPhones on board. About 42 percent of mobile workers have individually liable smartphones, as opposed to 58 percent given to them by employers.

The biggest news from the report was that businesses were not investing in BlackBerry, instead they were adding support for the iPhone (20 percent) and Android smartphones (14 percent.)

The report also said that more than 1 in 4 mobile workers got less than 6 hours of sleep a night with more than a third of workers saying that their job affects their amount of sleep.

The report projects that iPhone and Android use will rise because business owners will continue to let workers bring in their own smartphones. The only problem we foresee is that this could mean that company data may be on several different kinds of phones, which may not be supported by the company IT department. That doesn't bode well for security.

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